The complete range of Duggan Profiles sinusoidal sheeting can be curved or cocktailed subject to the manufacturing limitations that are described below. 0.7 mm material is recommended as it more easily retains the curved profile.
Available Lengths
The total length of curved or cocktailed sheets should be limited to 4.876 m (16′).
Requirements for manufacture of Curved Sheets
In order to curve sheeting the curved length and rise at mid span is required as indicated in the diagram below.
Curved ridges are available ex stock in 0.55 mm Corrifarm 14/3 & 10/3 Slate Grey & Juniper Green.

Requirements for manufacture of Cocktailed Sheets
Cocktailed sheets are made to order. The standard cocktail has a 6” rise over 18” cocktailed length. In order to manufacture the cocktail length and rise is required as indicated in the diagram below. Non standard cocktailed options are only available in limited cases due to the complexities of manufacture. Check that the required option can be produced before ordering.